abundance of water

Saturday, May 19, 2012


One of the most common mistakes that we make is to exclude our mind development when things are going to well. Well that is exactly what I have done during the last few months. We build faith by exercising the mind, we produce extreme results and then we get to busy to reinforce the faith, build the faith encourage the mind to do more.

The question that we must continuously asked ourselves; are we dressed to complete this race or are we in training shorts practising to perfect the race?

It has become too easy to except the outfit and be happy with completion of the day’s race, completion should never be an option, and the gold medal should be the only target. We have to win the race daily.


We can set the most wonderful goals and targets, but if we do not work towards these goals daily we can never achieve. The faith in our abilities must be reinforced, and the bad news is, it is only us that can reinforce it. You are the only person, you are in charge of your outcome, and you are responsible for everything that you create. We need to remember without control your mind will keep creating, he will keep building believe systems and these believe systems can be counterproductive; they can destroy your faith.

Food for the day

Let us reinforce the power of abundance, live within the creation, feel the abundance and become part of it.

Look at the leaves on the trees the water drops in the sea the stars in our heavens and even the sand grains on our beaches. Count them if you can or just except that everything is in abundance. There is an abundance of: Love, money, wealth, opportunities out there, just waiting for you to reap it.

Let this thought guide you, believe you can be part of it, reinforce it daily.

“He who has the faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains”.

Create that faith now, and reap the results.

Do to others what you would like them to do to you, and let their success become yours

Comment and share your thoughts

Willie (Durocrete we care)

Friday, March 30, 2012


We are created with the ability and choice to create, and like I said before it is our duty to do just that. It is our duty to create and choose the right destination for ourselves and those following us.
The human mind is the most sophisticated tool known to us, it is the most powerful weapon that we know and it is the most complicated creation. It should be a honour to be in control of such a powerful unstoppable creating weapon. The question will now be, are you in control of your mind or is your mind in control of you?
It is important that you understand the difference.
Your mind is awaiting the instruction to create, if you do not control this instruction your circumstances and outside influences will create your circumstances for you. We must remember that thoughts are a force and it has the ability to attract other thoughts. I like to teach people that every action has an equal reaction, if you think bad things you attract bad things, but fortunately if you think good thing you will attract good things. The good and bad can also be replaced with positive and negative. What I am saying is that there are consequences for every action that we take, if you like there is a price to pay for every decision you make. If you decide to life in poverty you will achieve it with the possible price of starvation, if you however decide to be wealthy you will achieve that with the possible price of your mind driving you to never stop or rest until you achieve it. Success attracts success and failure attracts failure. If you decide to that you cannot achieve you will not, and shortly you will find that you are surrounded by friends with excuses for their failures. You have attracted failure, and the result can only be failure. This is a typical example of a person who is not in control of his mind, a person that cannot create faith. So be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Please understand me clearly, you will have problems on your way to success, you will have failure but you need to understand that failure and problems are the school to greatness.
If you can think big you become big and you will attract big. Do yourself a favour watch successful people and see how many of their close friend are complainers look who surround them, see who they attract. You will see that financial successful people are surrounded by financial success; they attract more and more money to themselves.

So you need to decide what you want to attract, take control and become the person you want to be, attract the success you want, and those who are successful.
I post this message because I care; I attract you to read it because you can make a difference

Please leave your comments and advise for others and me.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jealousy the evil that stop brain performance

You cannot perform to your ultimate if you are jealous; it is a skill to allow others to perform well, to allow them to compete with you and most of all to share in the abundance out there. To be successful we need to allow success, we need to embrace success. This is not only true for financial success, it is as important for relationship success. If you cannot trust your partner you should not be in that relationship. I should stay out of this field as I am not a marriage councillor but I do know if you cannot trust yourself you cannot trust your partner, enough of relations.

Success breeds success, it is therefore important to have competent competitors to enable you to perform at your best. It is important to allow other to succeed in order for yourself to succeed; you need to give to receive. If you do not have the financial ability to give money, you need to give love, guidance and space for others to succeed.
Why will jealousy stop me? If you are jealous you cannot stop thinking of the person and the affect it might have on you, you are using valuable mind power to create a misery for yourself. If you can use all the energy you use to think of jealous effects on positive reinforcement towards your goal you will advance much faster.
Do not waste valuable time to fight others, to be jealous of their achievements, use it to create your goals and your goals alone.

This short message to empower your abilities, from Duracrete because we care

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Dr Micheal J Duckett, secret power of the mind

Saturday, March 17, 2012

"Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go, it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow.” – Alice Mackenzie Swaim

We need courage, courage to change the world we live in, change it to the world we want to live in.
It is important to remember that it takes courage to achieve the goals and courage is not only reserved for the big and powerful millionaires. It is more courageous for the small person to stand and make a difference.
Let us use this day to emotionalize our courage, our ability and create faith to in our abilities.

Create faith in our courage, and become the difference that we want to see.
You can emotionalize the words “I am courageous and brave within the power of God and the universe”

Willie Beetge (Dura Crete we care)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Willie says: Why are we doing things ...... how can we change

Willie says: Why are we doing things ...... how can we change: www.duracrete.blogspot.com

“If your mind can conceive it, and your heart can believe it- then you can achieve it.” Mohammed Ali

The quote says it all, you need to train your mind to conceive your aims, get your heart to believe it and you will achieve it. Read my previous posts on how to create faith.

Let us create our futures, let us achieve our goals and enable ourselves to become powerful enough so we can help others

Willie Beetge (dura crete we care)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The gift of giving


Life is what you make of it, live each moment unify with the abundance around you become part of it, and remember help others.

You must be able to give to receive, help to be helped.

Emotionalize this thought before we write any more, give your feedback and help others

Willie Beetge (Duracrete)

Monday, March 12, 2012


We live in a universe of abundance, if you just look around you, you can only see an abundance of everything. Examples will be the abundance of water in the sea, leaves on the trees, grass on a golf course, stars in the sky, sand grains on the beach and in the desert and many more. We have the right to tap into this abundance if we can, in fact we have the duty to become part of this abundance, manage it and grow it. There is also a abundance of money in circulation, the problem is people do not know how to tap into this abundance, if you only look at the statistics of money, 80% of all the money is controlled by 20% of the people and 20 % of the money is controlled by 80% of the population. This indicates the fact that there is more than enough money for everyone.

I don’t want to make this about money, but you can. Just remember there are certain rules that you have to follow if you want to become financially independent. In the previous post I started to explain the power of affirmations, now after you have practiced this for a week it is time to seed while you do this affirmations. During seeding emotions is the most important factor and increase the power of the affirmations 10 times and more. It is important that you unify with the universe and God with emotions, with feeling. It is extremely difficult to explain the correct feeling or emotion as it might differ from person to person. It is however important to feel the connection. I will explain how I do it; you can try and see how the results manifest through you.

NB; this is not a replacement for religion it is an enhancement.

I have created faith and achieved relatively instant by using this techniques, it is however important to fist train your mind using normal affirmations for a while.

 I use the followingsteps: (click and watch the clip of Anthony Robbins)

1)      Create a feeling of joy right in the core of my body (deep in my stomach just under my ribs)

2)      I use my hands and body to project the energy towards the magnificent creation around me.

3)      I create energy within my words out loud or in a whisper and repeat to myself,

3.1) I am part of the abundance of the universe, part of the God that have created it and I have the faith that the abundance is part of me.

3.2) I attract money to me in order to help others

You can use any affirmation with this powerful emotion, create the faith and then visualize the result. You only have the right to ask God and the creation to give you, if you have the faith. You cannot pray for faith, if you have no faith that, you will not receive it. You are a creation with will and will influence your ability to create faith.

Over the weekend I decided to create R 80000, 00 additional turnover to achieve my goal. I started creating faith in the above manner and asked for an additional R80000. I continued with my normal daily tasks after creating faith. At 16h30 this afternoon I received a call from a woman, I have quoted them last year for a job, and I also know that my quote was much higher than my competitors. She asked me if she can transfer the deposit for the job to me, there was one change to the quote; the other company will remove the plants for me to do the job. She told me that she has calculated the difference and that she except the quote for R79 540, 00. This puzzled me because you normally receive exactly what you asked for. I arrived home a few minutes ago open my internet banking and there was a transfer from one of my clients for the amount of R 460, 00. I phoned and ask if he did not made a mistake as he paid his account in full, he informed me that I have given him a discount at the time as he was R460,00 short. He told me that he has received money last week and decided to pay the amount he was short. Well now I have the R 80000, I asked for. 

I must apologise for the abbreviated manner in which I wrote I need to bring a message within a short article, I am currently working on an e book and will publish it shortly.

Please comment, criticise if you want.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

John Kehoe and Robbin Banks Create your future

The power of the spoken word and the mindset it creates.

When I post on my blog I summarize to enable readers to read and learn in a short time, if anything is unclear please let me know, I will gladly explain in more detail. (Leave a message in my comment box by selecting comments at the bottom of the post I will respond.)
In the previous post we have discussed the eyes of the mind and the method to use to create faith.
In this post I would like to look at the ears of the mind, the verbal instruction and the methods that have worked for me.

Normal conversation does not influence the mind, the mood however does. If you have negative discussions the mind tends to lean towards negative creation. It will change your mood to a negative mood, or an aggressive mood. Avoid this type of conversation or confrontations that will change your entire day. We must remember that the spoken word has tremendous power, just remember what your science teacher taught you at school and you will understand the power. Words and the sound that you create is a form of energy and energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change form.
Scientifically it must then be true that every word we speak will continue to exist in some form of energy, it might travel the universe, but that energy will always exist and influence the universe and you. It is therefore important that you think before you say, avoid negativity, unnecessary confrontations, and avoid complaining, discuss worthwhile things, things that you would like out there forever. Have you ever shout something into a cave, and after a while the words reflect back to you, the same thing happen with words you send into the universe it will return to you.
Send the good out and you will receive good.

This is a form of creation, you create your future and you are in charge of the outcome. It is not only words that create energy, thoughts also create energy. Every time your mind chimes out a thought it is energy created, we will discuss this in later post.
Let us create with repetitive short affirmations.

The instructions that we need to send to our mind must be different than normal conversation, it must be positive reinforcement. We must repeat it as often as possible, plant the seed and water it over and over again. Affirmations do not need to be loud, you can whisper them or even think them, remember whispering and thoughts create the same energy and remain in motion.

Where and when do I do my affirmations?

Affirmations can be done at any time and any place, I like to do them;

1)      While driving to and from destinations especially when I drive alone

2)      When standing in a queue, don’t waist the time use it to create

3)      Any time I have to wait and waist time

Affirmations are short phrases that you repeat to yourself, the phrase must not be long, you must be able to repeat it.

Examples of affirmations:

1)      “I am tremendously successful”

2)      “Money comes to me easy and effortlessly”

3)      “I am extremely powerful”

4)      “I am creating my future”

You can make you own to suit your creation, just remember it should not be long phrases no 2 above should be the longest.
Do this daily, at every opportunity you can find pick a phrase and repeat it over and over again. This will plant that energy seed, the mind will accept the instruction and as you repeat it tomorrow and the day after it will grow and you will reap the benefits.
Create faith ask for the things you need, change your circumstances in order to help others.

I share my secrets because I care, share your success stories and be blessed with wealth.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

“You are in control, you can achieve whatever you can dream, see and visualize.” Willie Beetge

1. Visualization a method to create faith

In the previous post I explained briefly that the mind does not have a physical eye and need you visions to see what you want. It is a method of imprinting your personal mission into your mind, planting the seed of creation.
In this post I would like to explain the methods that work for me;
Please note it is a process and not an instant act. To embed this vision you need only 5 minutes per day, every day !!
It works as follows;

1)      Decide what you want to visualize, you are the director of this movie, you can let it play the way you want. Write the main points down and start

2)      Start by using your cell phone or any other timer, set it for 5 minutes

3)      Find a place where you will not be disturbed

4)      Now close your eyes and start the movie(vision) in your head, please note the first few times you will struggle to stay with the topic as your mind is active and will keep interrupting the process with things to do and so on, do not be hard on yourself

5)      If you find your mind wondering bring it back gently do not get upset.

6)      After the 5 minutes, get up and go on with normal daily activities.

Do this every day of your life; you can adapt the vision after a while if you wish
 The pictures will print into your mind.
Your mind does not have the ability to distinguish between reality and vision, the imprint will make the activity a reality in your mind, your body and brain will start to live the vision as your mind believe it is true. At this point you have created faith, which will allow you to do what you have dreamed (visualized).
Try this and give us feedback on your progress

This process really worked for me, if you wish to adapt the process it is fine the main thing is to visualise 5 minutes per day.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Friday, March 9, 2012


Why can I create? God has created us to his image, he gave us the power to determine our own results. The question is how do we do this? It is important to understand the power of faith and the importance thereof to understand the need for it.  Because we have the choice to make our own decisions our minds are awaiting the instruction from us. We cannot give that powerful instruction if we do not believe in it, the mind listen to your heart and not your voice. Once you believe in what you want, you can verbally instruct the mind to lead you through the creation.

To create a believe is a process of reinforcement, a process of seeding. You need to plant the seed and water it daily once the seed germinate the believe start growing and change to faith. Now if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. The mind has no physical eye and need to see through you vision, the pictures you send it. Once the mind can see the picture he needs to see it over and over again, to the point where he starts creating reality. The mind also needs verbal reinforcement, the mind does not act on negative statements easily, it does however understand the feeling of negativity, and create that quite easily. You need to repeat the instruction and or believe over and over and over until the mind except it as a motto and not normal conversation.

To create faith is a process not an act, to create believe-systems is the same, you need to change some believe systems to create what you want or need. This has nothing to do with religion, it does not change your religion, if you believe in faith it might enhance your religion.

The next few days will be dedicated to the creation of faith. I will give my opinion and views please share yours.

We share this because we care

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

past present and the furure


“Those who are ready to join hands can overcome the greatest challenges.”-Nelson Mandela

This quote of Nelson Mandela was probably made with political arena of South Africa in mind at the time, it is however true for every day. We should always be ready to join hands, to join resources and ideas to make this world a better place to life in. By yourself you are limited in what you can do in a specific time span, as a team that limit line move rapidly and the achievement become endless.

As businesses we should join our resources, our abilities in order to grow the economy faster, as individuals we should ask how can I help other and others will help you. In numbers the power of self creation is unlimited, unfortunately so is the power of destruction. If you join hands for the wrong reasons you will destruct, but if you join hands for growth you can only grow.

Let us join hands today and overcome the challenges together, let us create opportunity out of all the challenges we encounter, let us grow together.

Send you comments or growth messages, your problems and let us grow together.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thanks to all my readers from.........

Thank you to all the readers from South Africa, United States, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, South Korea, Malaysia, The Netherlands and Norway for reading and supporting my blog. I will soon enable translator applications for other countries. Please let me know where you stay and where you originated from, you can e-mail me on willie@duracrete.co.za. I will reply to all e mails.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

“In the end, you’re measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish.” Donald Trump

To undertake without a goal is not to undertake at all. It is important to do but it is more important to know what you want to achieve by doing. You need to know where the road leads before you undertake the trip.
The lessons that we learn from millionaires is the real life lessons that can be implemented into your daily lives. There is a saying that says you can take all the money and belongings from a millionaire and he will still be a millionaire, and so can you give all the belongings and money to a poor person and they will remain poor. The major difference is not the money but the attitude, the goal setting and the drive. How many poor people have won the lotto and became instant millionaires just to lose all the money within the next few years and return to life as a poor person, sometimes without friends.
What I am trying to say is that money is only a commodity that is controlled by great attitudes not by people as such, that is why money cannot buy happiness. If it is your goal to become financially independent you need to change your attitude, set goals and believe that you can achieve. Be prepared to fail in order to win, this is one the major differences between the millionaire and the ordinary person. The ordinary worker will never risk his income, they believe in security without risk, the millionaire believe in calculated risks and then they are prepared to lose everything if they fail, they go all in. How can they do this? How can they risk all their hard work on one project? Easy they believe that they will achieve, they have faith in their abilities, and if they lose it all they know that they can earn the money again; they have the millionaires attitude, the millionaires mind-set.
In fact they ask the questions differently; how can I not risk everything? How can I not do this?
Let us be measured by our accomplishments, let us stop doing for the sake of doing and create goals for our doings. Remember the more you try the better you get. Let me change the word I hate the word try, let us rather say practice make perfect. Let me tell you why I hate the word try, trying means that you have done nothing. If you try to get up you have done nothing yet, you only start doing when you get up.
I have lost everything before in my life, my family and I have been on the streets, without a car or a cent of money, but I have never given up. The experience was not nice at the time, but the lesson was tremendous, I paid school fees for a lesson that no school or university could ever have taught me. We must remember that the school system is there to teach you theory, and you cannot achieve with the theory only. It would have been ideal if every business study teacher had the experience of failing and achieving in business, but it would be unfair as they are only there to teach you the theory of business. Actual business lessons are only available in real life.
When I employ someone I prefer to employ a person that has lost everything at least once, they can make a real difference as their university money was paid in “blood”. I therefore measure their achievements and not their undertakings.
It is a good idea to read how successful people do things, read their life stories, and read about their failures and determination to succeed.

I wrote this quote and my inspiration because I care, we need more people to become financially independent so that they can help others. Money still make the world go round, no sensible help can be done without this commodity. So go out and create wealth so that you can help others, you owe it to life.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The share market makes money
It is important to understand the share market, the trends and the risks involved. Questions that need to be answered are; is the market undervalued........ want to read my views at dailyquoteduracrete.blogspot.com

DURACRETE: DURACRETE: Willie says: Guerrilla finance 4 and 54) Client ...

DURACRETE: DURACRETE: Willie says: Guerrilla finance 4 and 54) Client ...

DURACRETE: Attitude create your outcome

DURACRETE: Attitude create your outcome

DURACRETE: Attitude create your outcome

DURACRETE: Attitude create your outcome: Our attitude to life determine life’s attitude towards us Earl Nightingale Life is a constant exchange, a give and take, it is important t...

Attitude create your outcome

Our attitude to life determine life’s attitude towards us

Earl Nightingale

Life is a constant exchange, a give and take, it is important that you give more than what you take. What you put in will create a return, this create an attitude of giving which will create attitude from live to return your efforts. You are a creation with the ability to create, if you do nothing you will rust like metal not in use, you will deteriorate to nothing. What I am saying if you give nothing you will receive nothing. Imagine a farmer that plant nothing on his land will he have the right to expect a crop at the end of the season, no nothing worthwhile will grow, weeds will take over and destroy the land.

Your life is similar if you do not aim you will not hit the target, if you do not sow you cannot reap.

Your attitude towards life must be what you expect from life, you need to live your vision with an attitude of faith, faith in life and faith within yourself.

If you believe that you can win, you will win, if you believe that life is bitter it will be bitter, and if you believe that life is great it will be great. The choice is yours and yours alone, no one can make these choices for you, and no one can create your attitude. So create your attitude today, create your believe system and achieve the goals that you have set. “Dreams are but thoughts until their effects are tried” William Shakespeare.

Join me tomorrow for the thought of the day, send your comments on todays thought, broadcast your message and assist those who stuggle, give and you will receive.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Monday, March 5, 2012

DURACRETE: Willie says: Guerrilla finance 4 and 54) Client ...

DURACRETE: Willie says: Guerrilla finance 4 and 54) Client ...: Willie says: Guerrilla finance 4 and 5 4) Client club You can... : Guerrilla finance 4 and 5 4) Client club You can establish a club tha...

Willie says: Guerrilla finance 4 and 5) Client clubYou can...

Willie says: Guerrilla finance 4 and 5
4) Client club
You can...
: Guerrilla finance 4 and 5 4) Client club You can establish a club that allows members who joins to use you business’s services at discou...dailyquoteduracrete.bogspot.com
Guerrilla finance 4 and 5

4) Client club

You can establish a club that allows members who joins to use .........

5) Joint advertising finance

According to Prestige Bulletin...........
Read more on my blog Willie Says           dailyquoteduracrete.blogspot.com

DURACRETE: Create your future

DURACRETE: Create your future: If we were to bring creativity down to earth, it would not have to be reserved for exceptional individuals or identified with brilliance. In...

Create your future

If we were to bring creativity down to earth, it would not have to be reserved for exceptional individuals or identified with brilliance. In ordinary life creativity means making something for the soul out of every experience.

  - Thomas Moore, "Care Of The Soul"
I liked this quote of Thomas Moore, creativity means making something for the soul out of every experience. Thomas Moore has written this from the point of an artist, I read it from the point of an ordinary citizen, our interpretations might be different but the outcome remains creativity.
Every experience that we encounter creates our souls and mind into mindsets, it is therefore important to see our experiences clearly and see the light in all of them. Imagine you cannot see the positive in any experience and you create your soul around this negativity, you will become a dark creation, a creation that creates problems instead of solutions. We do not have enough time on earth to waist by creating problems; we need to use our time creating solutions.
It is true that problems will come our way, it will cross our paths; always remember every problem is an opportunity for a better solution, a solution that can change lives, change outcomes and change you. Use your experiences wisely burn the positive into your mind and soul, and become the person you want to be, not the person you ought to be.

I believe that we are in charge of our lives; we create the outcome, by channelling our daily experiences wisely, by reinforcing the good and eradicating the bad.
Carry that positive light high so that you can help others, by first helping yourself, you need to be in control of that light before you can shine it for others.
Whatever your aim in life achieve it, by using your ability to solve, to create and to implement. Visualize yourself as all this and create the faith needed to succeed.

Share your thought and problems with me, so that i can learn from your experiences.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Willie says: guerilla finance 2

Willie says: guerilla finance 2: Financing your business using guerrilla finance methods 2 2 Client credit This type of short term finance is suitable for any size busin...

DURACRETE: failure the road to success

DURACRETE: failure the road to success: “Winners are losers who got up and gave it one more try.” Dennis De Young Practice make perfect, the more you do the better you get at it. ...

DURACRETE: Guerrilla finance 3

DURACRETE: Guerrilla finance 3: Guerrilla finance 3 Network finance “When it comes to network financing you have to use more than one bank in a network of your own in o...

failure the road to success

“Winners are losers who got up and gave it one more try.” Dennis De Young

Practice make perfect, the more you do the better you get at it. This is a law of nature, a law of the universe and should be a law of you. Nature consists of an abundance of everything, the waters of the sea the grass on the land, the leaves on the trees, and the stars in our heavens. This abundance also exists in the economical world, there is an abundance of money out there, belonging to the successful people of this world, the losers who got up and tried one more time.
The fact is that 20% of the population on earth control 80% of the economical wealth and the other 80% of the population control the remaining 20%.
I would like to refrain myself from comparing success only with money, as I believe money is only a commodity, it cannot buy happiness, or health, it can only assist you in achieving your goals. But if you need to tap into the source of money you can at any time. I have this saying don’t chase money let money chase you. Every person has the right to determine his or her definition of success, and this definition is the path you need to walk to your personal success. To create a million dollars is no more successful than to save lives at sea, or teaching children equipping them with life skills.
Whatever you definition and vision of success, it is important to understand that failure is the highway to success, the shortcut in learning. If you fear failure your believe systems are not set for success. It is important to see failure in the right context, to understand and live a life with the following motto “there is no problems in live, every problem is an opportunity.” Failure is the opportunity to travel the experienced road to success. We can learn so much from a baby in the house, when they start walking they fall, (failure) but they always stand up and try again until they succeed and master the art of walking. This prove to me that we are born to succeed, it is only silly believe systems that we developed during our life’s that stop some of us.
If I set a personal target in life, I will achieve it, the more I fall the more I will get up and try again, and again, and again.
Colonel Sanders did not wake up one morning with a chicken recipe and enough finance to start the K.F.C franchise, he knocked a 101 doors, he was turned down a 100 times, he failed a 100 times but the difference is he stood up 101 times, to achieve his goal and his success.
Don’t fear failure; don’t see problems, see the opportunities that are created by failure and problems. Perhaps that problem that is coming your way makes you think and allow you to develop your dream even further and better.

Give me feedback allow me to learn from you.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Guerrilla finance 3

Guerrilla finance 3
Network finance

“When it comes to network financing you have to use more than one bank in a network of your own in order to eventually obtain all the financing you need from one bank.” Prestige Bulletin........ readmore. dailyquoteduracrete.blogspot.com

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Achieve success with integrity

“Living a life of integrity is one of the greatest missions we can undertake.” Greg Anderson

Integrity is the most powerful tool you can equip yourself with, and it should be the first mission you undertake on your journey to success.
Some people believe that you cannot make money if you are honest; they believe that all successful business men and women have chosen a route of dishonesty. In a way they might be right if the business men or women have a short term goal of success, please note I said of success not to success. If you wish to have a long term relationship with success you need to be a man or women with integrity, with good values, which include absolute honesty.
Integrity is a key to development, and proper development is a key to success. To remain a market leader or to become a market leader you must truly believe in your service and or product. Leaders with no integrity will keep selling a product that they do not believe in for the sake of generating money, whereas leaders with integrity will develop the product or service to the point where they will totally believe in it. It is clear that the latter will succeed in the long term whereas the integrity less leader will destroy his service in a short period of time. We must never forget that success breeds success, and integrity breeds integrity.
To undertake the mission to live a life of integrity is not only for businessmen and women but also for the normal worker, the secretary, the bookkeeper, the mechanic and so on. If you are one of those people that believe that money only comes to those without integrity you need to change that believe system in order to change your life.
Remember some day you will need to reflect on your life, on your creations, that is the day that you will need to sit on your stoop, and hopefully say “I have done well.”
Make that decision now; visualize yourself as a person with integrity, with good values. See yourself as a successful person; create the faith in yourself and in your integrity. Understand me clearly it is not always easy to life that honest life, but the fruits of honesty are sweet, and the seeds produce success.
Do to others what you would like them to do to you, do not judge others lead them by example, lead them to success.

I value your comments and will reply to all, not because I have to but because I care. Thank you to all my United State visitors, it is great to hear from you. The more succesful we all are the better the world and her economy will be.
We greet you all until tomorrow from a rainy Durban, South Africa 

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Financing your business using guerrilla finance methods 2

2 Client credit

This type of short term finance is suitable for any size business, which supplies any goods or services...................To read the article go to my blog "willie says"

Don't be a victim of your circumstances

“People who consider themselves victims of their circumstances will always remain victims unless they create a greater vision for their lives”-Stedman Graham

If you think you can of you think you cannot you are write

So many successful businessmen and women came from the most horrific circumstances, yet they refused to become victims, they created a greater vision for themselves. It is impossible to achieve something if you firmly believe that you cannot achieve it, on the other hand is it easy to achieve something you believe you can do.

Achievement is not measured in short term goals but in long term accomplishments. Create challenging goals, goals that make sense to have and you will feel yourself parting from your current circumstances. Your past circumstances have created limitations in your mind, and these limitations need to be removed in order for you to cross those barriers.

An Example of these limitations might be: You never had anybody helping you in your life; you therefore believe that help is not for you, you believe that nobody will help you. This can have devastating results in your journey through life. For example you will never start anything if you need capital to do so, as you will believe that no bank will help you. You first need to remove that limitation refuse to be a victim of your past, and take that step towards a greater vision.

This was only one example of a limitation created by your circumstances.

A good exercise to do:

Write your goals down, and start visualizing the results, if your mind tells you that you cannot achieve it, ask the question why? Write the action that you think impossible down, make a list of all these impossibilities. Once you have this list, write the reason you cannot next to each one, if you cannot find a reason you might not have one. Now take the reasons you found and ask once again why?

Make sure none of these reasons are limitations created by you as a result of your circumstances.

How do I test for this? Easy

If anybody else can do this so can you, if your mind tells you that you cannot it is a limitation set by yourself for yourself.

Remove these limitations, and set greater visions for yourself

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Walk through bad times part 2

Ride the economy Part 2

Finance yourself in a bad economy, click on the link below to read the first in a serious of 6 articles on how to use guerrilla finance to finance your business

Thursday, March 1, 2012

create you destiny

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved” Jeremy Kitson
I know I repeat myself, but it is so important to understand that you are the creator of your own future. Your destiny is an achievement, if you do nothing you cannot achieve and your destiny will be left to nothing.
This make me think of a story I have heard about this poor coloured chap; he prayed daily to God asking,”Dear God please let me win the lotto, you know I am poor, please, please” he did this every day.  After a few weeks a voice came from above,” Jonas (the chap’s name) please go and play the lotto, before you ask me to win it.”
This is only a story, but sometimes so true, we expect something wonderful but refuse to take the risk. You cannot go up the stairs if you refuse to make a move, if you refuse to take the first step.
Start today take that first step towards your destiny, towards your dreams create that faith.
First of all decide what you want, your dream can be financial freedom or just good health, see yourself daily achieving that dream, affirm this dream to yourself and create the faith necessary to achieve.
Please comment or give your views
Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Change your believes

“All personal breakthrough begins with a change in believes.” Anthony Robbins

Change your ways and your results will also change

In yesterdays quote of the day I stressed the fact that you cannot have different results if your input is the same. You cannot achieve if your believe system does not allow you to. It is therefore important to change you negative believe systems, change you ways of thinking, your ways of doing, which will result in a different outcome.

You are in charge, so make the right decisions, and stop worrying about the things you can do nothing about, like the economy. Make a list of the thing that holds you back, the things you believe you cannot achieve. Now take this list and ask yourself why can I not do this? If the answer lies with somebody else, like the bank, you have the wrong believe system for your goal. Don’t change your goal change your believes. Let me explain with an example;

To realize my dream I need a million dollars; I can go to the bank or other investors to raise this money. If you believe that nobody will provide you with this money, you have lost. Your believe system has prevented you from trying. Don’t answer the question for the bank, let them answer the question, and if they refuse to help ask someone else keep asking and asking until you receive.

“If you only have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains.”

How can you have faith if you do not believe? In the above example your own believe system has stopped you from having faith, change that belief system and create faith in yourself and in those around you.

Get that personal breakthrough now by changing the believes that stop your achievements.

Please comment on the thought of the day and share your thoughts with us.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What to do?

If you stuck in a .......dailyquoteduracrete.blogspot.com

For me the ironic quote of the week

learn to risk towards a destiny

Risk to live and live to risk

When you retire you should not say if only I have tried, you should rather say I have tried everything and learned from all my failures.

I live to this motto, I daily asked myself did you try everything and what did you learn?

One cannot succeed if you do not risk failure

One cannot learn if you never fail

One cannot succeed if you have never learned.

So many times we planned our retirement only financially and there is nothing wrong with that. It is however important that you will be happy with your live performance, happiness cannot be bought. So live your life to the fullest each day, be prepared to learn and to pay school fees. It is not important how many times you have failed it is important how many times you have stood up after failure. If the count is in favour of the latter you are a successful human being.

Risk is life and life is a risk, so live, believe in yourself and always risk again and again.

If you stumble and fall, only look back once at the stumbling block, and never fall over the same block again, get up and do it again.

Just remember you cannot expect a different result if you do it exactly the same again.

Many inspirational speakers learn that opportunity comes once and you should take it, I believe opportunity is created by us. Opportunity will come as many times as we allow it.

Please comment on the post, let me know what you think.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Our greatest weapon, the mind

The greatest force within our control

“Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force” –Tom Blandi

Our attitudes are controlled by our own mind, it is therefore important to control the mind. Your mind is the single most powerful weapon you possess; this weapon is superior to all known technology and can control your entire environment. The mind operates and can chime ten thousands of thoughts out per day, these thoughts have an influence on your attitude, it has an influence on your behaviour, and ultimately an influence on your life. Your outcomes are determined by these influences, and the creation of success is a direct result.

Like any part of the human body the mind needs well directed exercises, you need to control your thoughts, guide them within the vision you have for yourself. John Kehoe teaches us that the mind is like a piece of land, if you do not sow the flowers and plants you need to reap the weeds will take over.

The mind is the greatest trickster you will ever know if you allow it to get out of control, if you allow the weeds to grow. Have you ever experienced how the mind can trick and control you, let me give you an example of? You are waiting for a loved one to return to you in the evening, she is normally home at six o clock and you are quite contempt and happy waiting for her, the mind is at rest. At six the mind starts working, at first it is calm, it will only question you with questions like, I wonder where she is? Or even state softly she is late. At ten past six it will start imagining and make statements like, “she must be stuck in traffic.” At twenty past six it will start to drive you up the wall with statements like “hope there was no accident” “perhaps you should call the emergency room”, “think she is high jacked? “Tight up in the boot of a car”, “perhaps dead.” You then take your phone and call, and the voicemail answering service answer, now the mind start, you suddenly remembered that handsome co-worker. “Hope she is not with him.” It get worst and worst up to the stage where you start visualizing your loved one dead you become sad, and then suddenly you visualize her with someone else and you become mad with anger. Your emotions start to control you, from sad to mad in a few seconds. Then the door open and your loved one entered, if your emotions are sad at that moment you are so glad to see her you might want to hug her, but if your emotions are mad at that moment you might want to kill her. The loved one explained that she had to stop for fuel and picked up bread and milk for tomorrow. You might become mad swing around and accuse her that it does not take an hour to fill a car and get bread and milk, and as you point to the clock you realise that it is only twenty five past, all these horrible thoughts went through your mind in only five minutes.

Avoid this become the driver, control the mind, and the mind will guide you and your emotions. Sow the seeds of success and you will grow success. Remember if you think you can or you think you cannot you are always right.

We give you this message because we care. Please comment or send your story.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Don't wait and see what happen

Don’t wait and see what happen

“Let us not be content to wait and see what happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen” Peter Marshall

Determine your future; create your reality get the determination to succeed. Nothing happen without work, without a goal and without determination. Those who follow are content with wait and see what happens, but those who lead need determination and make things happen.

The world without these leaders will be non existing, life as we know it would have been terminated long ago. You have the choice to walk in others footprints or to make your own, if you are happy to follow you should follow society need followers, but if you are a do it person you should be determine to make things happen, step out of the box and create a future for yourself and others.

Get in control of your financial and work situation after all it is your future. Don’t wait and see how life plays itself out, control your future, your life.

Inspire those around you, help those who have no direction and you will be blessed with success and determination.

Please comment on the thought of the day, give me your views after-all we are all followers even if we lead, let me learn from you.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete) we care

Monday, February 20, 2012

don't create obstacles

“Real obstacles don’t take you in circles, they can be overcome. Invented ones are like a maze”  

Barbara Sher

Idle minds invent obstacles, if you are not in charge of your thoughts the mind will wonder and ponder on previous experiences, invent impossibilities that do not exist. Your mind is extremely powerful and what he thinks becomes reality. Put a guard in front of your thoughts and mouth; don’t spill the negativity and faithlessness.

If you believe you can or you believe you cannot you are right, so be decisive and create faith in the destiny you want to create.

All religions talk about faith, so why don’t you create this faith, think your results and the action will follow, visualize your results and faith will create your destiny.

Stop inventing obstacles, and problems that do pass your path as opportunities.

See you tomorrow for the quote of the day
Willie Beetge

Sunday, February 19, 2012

do it don't think it

Quote of the day

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply, willing is not enough, we must do” Johann von Goethe
The ability to do is a mind-set; it is a positive decision, a leader’s decision. There is no time in life......
(read more)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ride the economy

Click the link to read my view on a falling economy
Willie says: Walk through bad times part 1: Negativity within a falling economy The small business and the falling economy One of the biggest mistakes the small business owner ca...dailyquoteduracrete.blogspot.com

DURACRETE: Challenge yourself

DURACRETE: Challenge yourself: The great pleasure in life is doing things what people say you cannot do Walter Bagenhot The great lesson that we can learn from this sa...

Challenge yourself

The great pleasure in life is doing things what people say you cannot do

Walter Bagenhot

The great lesson that we can learn from this saying is that we have to be challenged. We can see that the need to prove ourselves is a real human need. It is therefore important to create challenges when none exist, set targets, tell people about your targets and then except the challenge to achieve. These targets should be set within your dream ability, within your vision. What does this mean? You have an ability to visualize yourself in a situation, see yourself doing certain things. Anything you visualize you can achieve, as long as you can imagine the result. If you cannot see yourself doing something, you need to create more faith in yourself, you need to first believe that you can achieve before you set this target. Set targets within your current scope and the challenge are on, you might lose faith if you set targets that you cannot imagine.

Imagination is our drawing board, our planning room, our personal ops. room. It is in this room where our minds strategise, plan and finally develop the time-line to achieve the vision.

Close your eyes for 5 minutes every morning and see yourself achieve, see yourself doing what you want to achieve and leave it to your powerful mind to lead the way.

And remember don’t let setbacks break the vision, rather let the vision break the setback. See your setbacks as learning curves; use the information from the setback to strengthen your vision. Never ever give up, never ever become a quitter.

Hope we could learn from a short memo for the day, join my blog and receive my motivational quote daily

See you tomorrow

Willie Beetge

Friday, February 17, 2012



It is our mission to provide service through a nationwide network, where we will equip our agents with the best technology and up to date development, this will enable them to not only be competitive but market leaders in our field. We will achieve this through proper training, high quality product support and the quest for success.

The company

The Duracrete logo is new but the crew and owners have 12 years experience in upgrading Pre Cast walls. Our improved technology has placed us in a superior market position where we can convert your old pre cast wall into almost any design you can dream of. The superiority of our chemical bonding method ensure that the duraplast will not laminate from your walls, we are so confident in the product that we are willing to guarantee  it for five years, the longest lamination guarantee in the industry.

This method has been tested over an extended period of time in all conditions, and seasons.

We were the first to flush plaster walls in the industry, and can claim 6 years experience in flush plastering.

Our products  are not only cosmetic but improve the strength of your wall with up to 100%

Watch this space for further news on business opportunities and developments. We are currently testing brand new improvements