abundance of water

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Achieve success with integrity

“Living a life of integrity is one of the greatest missions we can undertake.” Greg Anderson

Integrity is the most powerful tool you can equip yourself with, and it should be the first mission you undertake on your journey to success.
Some people believe that you cannot make money if you are honest; they believe that all successful business men and women have chosen a route of dishonesty. In a way they might be right if the business men or women have a short term goal of success, please note I said of success not to success. If you wish to have a long term relationship with success you need to be a man or women with integrity, with good values, which include absolute honesty.
Integrity is a key to development, and proper development is a key to success. To remain a market leader or to become a market leader you must truly believe in your service and or product. Leaders with no integrity will keep selling a product that they do not believe in for the sake of generating money, whereas leaders with integrity will develop the product or service to the point where they will totally believe in it. It is clear that the latter will succeed in the long term whereas the integrity less leader will destroy his service in a short period of time. We must never forget that success breeds success, and integrity breeds integrity.
To undertake the mission to live a life of integrity is not only for businessmen and women but also for the normal worker, the secretary, the bookkeeper, the mechanic and so on. If you are one of those people that believe that money only comes to those without integrity you need to change that believe system in order to change your life.
Remember some day you will need to reflect on your life, on your creations, that is the day that you will need to sit on your stoop, and hopefully say “I have done well.”
Make that decision now; visualize yourself as a person with integrity, with good values. See yourself as a successful person; create the faith in yourself and in your integrity. Understand me clearly it is not always easy to life that honest life, but the fruits of honesty are sweet, and the seeds produce success.
Do to others what you would like them to do to you, do not judge others lead them by example, lead them to success.

I value your comments and will reply to all, not because I have to but because I care. Thank you to all my United State visitors, it is great to hear from you. The more succesful we all are the better the world and her economy will be.
We greet you all until tomorrow from a rainy Durban, South Africa 

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Financing your business using guerrilla finance methods 2

2 Client credit

This type of short term finance is suitable for any size business, which supplies any goods or services...................To read the article go to my blog "willie says"

Don't be a victim of your circumstances

“People who consider themselves victims of their circumstances will always remain victims unless they create a greater vision for their lives”-Stedman Graham

If you think you can of you think you cannot you are write

So many successful businessmen and women came from the most horrific circumstances, yet they refused to become victims, they created a greater vision for themselves. It is impossible to achieve something if you firmly believe that you cannot achieve it, on the other hand is it easy to achieve something you believe you can do.

Achievement is not measured in short term goals but in long term accomplishments. Create challenging goals, goals that make sense to have and you will feel yourself parting from your current circumstances. Your past circumstances have created limitations in your mind, and these limitations need to be removed in order for you to cross those barriers.

An Example of these limitations might be: You never had anybody helping you in your life; you therefore believe that help is not for you, you believe that nobody will help you. This can have devastating results in your journey through life. For example you will never start anything if you need capital to do so, as you will believe that no bank will help you. You first need to remove that limitation refuse to be a victim of your past, and take that step towards a greater vision.

This was only one example of a limitation created by your circumstances.

A good exercise to do:

Write your goals down, and start visualizing the results, if your mind tells you that you cannot achieve it, ask the question why? Write the action that you think impossible down, make a list of all these impossibilities. Once you have this list, write the reason you cannot next to each one, if you cannot find a reason you might not have one. Now take the reasons you found and ask once again why?

Make sure none of these reasons are limitations created by you as a result of your circumstances.

How do I test for this? Easy

If anybody else can do this so can you, if your mind tells you that you cannot it is a limitation set by yourself for yourself.

Remove these limitations, and set greater visions for yourself

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Walk through bad times part 2

Ride the economy Part 2

Finance yourself in a bad economy, click on the link below to read the first in a serious of 6 articles on how to use guerrilla finance to finance your business

Thursday, March 1, 2012

create you destiny

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved” Jeremy Kitson
I know I repeat myself, but it is so important to understand that you are the creator of your own future. Your destiny is an achievement, if you do nothing you cannot achieve and your destiny will be left to nothing.
This make me think of a story I have heard about this poor coloured chap; he prayed daily to God asking,”Dear God please let me win the lotto, you know I am poor, please, please” he did this every day.  After a few weeks a voice came from above,” Jonas (the chap’s name) please go and play the lotto, before you ask me to win it.”
This is only a story, but sometimes so true, we expect something wonderful but refuse to take the risk. You cannot go up the stairs if you refuse to make a move, if you refuse to take the first step.
Start today take that first step towards your destiny, towards your dreams create that faith.
First of all decide what you want, your dream can be financial freedom or just good health, see yourself daily achieving that dream, affirm this dream to yourself and create the faith necessary to achieve.
Please comment or give your views
Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Change your believes

“All personal breakthrough begins with a change in believes.” Anthony Robbins

Change your ways and your results will also change

In yesterdays quote of the day I stressed the fact that you cannot have different results if your input is the same. You cannot achieve if your believe system does not allow you to. It is therefore important to change you negative believe systems, change you ways of thinking, your ways of doing, which will result in a different outcome.

You are in charge, so make the right decisions, and stop worrying about the things you can do nothing about, like the economy. Make a list of the thing that holds you back, the things you believe you cannot achieve. Now take this list and ask yourself why can I not do this? If the answer lies with somebody else, like the bank, you have the wrong believe system for your goal. Don’t change your goal change your believes. Let me explain with an example;

To realize my dream I need a million dollars; I can go to the bank or other investors to raise this money. If you believe that nobody will provide you with this money, you have lost. Your believe system has prevented you from trying. Don’t answer the question for the bank, let them answer the question, and if they refuse to help ask someone else keep asking and asking until you receive.

“If you only have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains.”

How can you have faith if you do not believe? In the above example your own believe system has stopped you from having faith, change that belief system and create faith in yourself and in those around you.

Get that personal breakthrough now by changing the believes that stop your achievements.

Please comment on the thought of the day and share your thoughts with us.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What to do?

If you stuck in a .......dailyquoteduracrete.blogspot.com

For me the ironic quote of the week

learn to risk towards a destiny

Risk to live and live to risk

When you retire you should not say if only I have tried, you should rather say I have tried everything and learned from all my failures.

I live to this motto, I daily asked myself did you try everything and what did you learn?

One cannot succeed if you do not risk failure

One cannot learn if you never fail

One cannot succeed if you have never learned.

So many times we planned our retirement only financially and there is nothing wrong with that. It is however important that you will be happy with your live performance, happiness cannot be bought. So live your life to the fullest each day, be prepared to learn and to pay school fees. It is not important how many times you have failed it is important how many times you have stood up after failure. If the count is in favour of the latter you are a successful human being.

Risk is life and life is a risk, so live, believe in yourself and always risk again and again.

If you stumble and fall, only look back once at the stumbling block, and never fall over the same block again, get up and do it again.

Just remember you cannot expect a different result if you do it exactly the same again.

Many inspirational speakers learn that opportunity comes once and you should take it, I believe opportunity is created by us. Opportunity will come as many times as we allow it.

Please comment on the post, let me know what you think.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)