“Living a life of integrity is one of the greatest missions we can undertake.” Greg Anderson
Integrity is the most powerful tool you can equip yourself with, and it should be the first mission you undertake on your journey to success.
Some people believe that you cannot make money if you are honest; they believe that all successful business men and women have chosen a route of dishonesty. In a way they might be right if the business men or women have a short term goal of success, please note I said of success not to success. If you wish to have a long term relationship with success you need to be a man or women with integrity, with good values, which include absolute honesty.
Integrity is a key to development, and proper development is a key to success. To remain a market leader or to become a market leader you must truly believe in your service and or product. Leaders with no integrity will keep selling a product that they do not believe in for the sake of generating money, whereas leaders with integrity will develop the product or service to the point where they will totally believe in it. It is clear that the latter will succeed in the long term whereas the integrity less leader will destroy his service in a short period of time. We must never forget that success breeds success, and integrity breeds integrity.
To undertake the mission to live a life of integrity is not only for businessmen and women but also for the normal worker, the secretary, the bookkeeper, the mechanic and so on. If you are one of those people that believe that money only comes to those without integrity you need to change that believe system in order to change your life.
Remember some day you will need to reflect on your life, on your creations, that is the day that you will need to sit on your stoop, and hopefully say “I have done well.”
Make that decision now; visualize yourself as a person with integrity, with good values. See yourself as a successful person; create the faith in yourself and in your integrity. Understand me clearly it is not always easy to life that honest life, but the fruits of honesty are sweet, and the seeds produce success.Do to others what you would like them to do to you, do not judge others lead them by example, lead them to success.
I value your comments and will reply to all, not because I have to but because I care. Thank you to all my United State visitors, it is great to hear from you. The more succesful we all are the better the world and her economy will be.
We greet you all until tomorrow from a rainy Durban, South Africa
Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)