abundance of water

Monday, February 20, 2012

don't create obstacles

“Real obstacles don’t take you in circles, they can be overcome. Invented ones are like a maze”  

Barbara Sher

Idle minds invent obstacles, if you are not in charge of your thoughts the mind will wonder and ponder on previous experiences, invent impossibilities that do not exist. Your mind is extremely powerful and what he thinks becomes reality. Put a guard in front of your thoughts and mouth; don’t spill the negativity and faithlessness.

If you believe you can or you believe you cannot you are right, so be decisive and create faith in the destiny you want to create.

All religions talk about faith, so why don’t you create this faith, think your results and the action will follow, visualize your results and faith will create your destiny.

Stop inventing obstacles, and problems that do pass your path as opportunities.

See you tomorrow for the quote of the day
Willie Beetge

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