Our attitude to life determine life’s attitude towards us
Earl Nightingale
Life is a constant exchange, a give and take, it is important that you give more than what you take. What you put in will create a return, this create an attitude of giving which will create attitude from live to return your efforts. You are a creation with the ability to create, if you do nothing you will rust like metal not in use, you will deteriorate to nothing. What I am saying if you give nothing you will receive nothing. Imagine a farmer that plant nothing on his land will he have the right to expect a crop at the end of the season, no nothing worthwhile will grow, weeds will take over and destroy the land.
Your life is similar if you do not aim you will not hit the target, if you do not sow you cannot reap.
Your attitude towards life must be what you expect from life, you need to live your vision with an attitude of faith, faith in life and faith within yourself.
If you believe that you can win, you will win, if you believe that life is bitter it will be bitter, and if you believe that life is great it will be great. The choice is yours and yours alone, no one can make these choices for you, and no one can create your attitude. So create your attitude today, create your believe system and achieve the goals that you have set. “Dreams are but thoughts until their effects are tried” William Shakespeare.
Join me tomorrow for the thought of the day, send your comments on todays thought, broadcast your message and assist those who stuggle, give and you will receive.
Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)
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