In the previous post I explained briefly that the mind does not have a physical eye and need you visions to see what you want. It is a method of imprinting your personal mission into your mind, planting the seed of creation.
In this post I would like to explain the methods that work for me;Please note it is a process and not an instant act. To embed this vision you need only 5 minutes per day, every day !!
It works as follows;
1) Decide what you want to visualize, you are the director of this movie, you can let it play the way you want. Write the main points down and start
2) Start by using your cell phone or any other timer, set it for 5 minutes
3) Find a place where you will not be disturbed
4) Now close your eyes and start the movie(vision) in your head, please note the first few times you will struggle to stay with the topic as your mind is active and will keep interrupting the process with things to do and so on, do not be hard on yourself
5) If you find your mind wondering bring it back gently do not get upset.
6) After the 5 minutes, get up and go on with normal daily activities.
Do this every day of your life; you can adapt the vision after a while if you wish
The pictures will print into your mind.
Your mind does not have the ability to distinguish between reality and vision, the imprint will make the activity a reality in your mind, your body and brain will start to live the vision as your mind believe it is true. At this point you have created faith, which will allow you to do what you have dreamed (visualized).Try this and give us feedback on your progress
This process really worked for me, if you wish to adapt the process it is fine the main thing is to visualise 5 minutes per day.
Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)
I have tried this and it does work, you must read Mind Power by John Kehoe
I have read the book and yes everybody should read it, thank you for your comment. Willie
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