abundance of water

Saturday, May 19, 2012


One of the most common mistakes that we make is to exclude our mind development when things are going to well. Well that is exactly what I have done during the last few months. We build faith by exercising the mind, we produce extreme results and then we get to busy to reinforce the faith, build the faith encourage the mind to do more.

The question that we must continuously asked ourselves; are we dressed to complete this race or are we in training shorts practising to perfect the race?

It has become too easy to except the outfit and be happy with completion of the day’s race, completion should never be an option, and the gold medal should be the only target. We have to win the race daily.


We can set the most wonderful goals and targets, but if we do not work towards these goals daily we can never achieve. The faith in our abilities must be reinforced, and the bad news is, it is only us that can reinforce it. You are the only person, you are in charge of your outcome, and you are responsible for everything that you create. We need to remember without control your mind will keep creating, he will keep building believe systems and these believe systems can be counterproductive; they can destroy your faith.

Food for the day

Let us reinforce the power of abundance, live within the creation, feel the abundance and become part of it.

Look at the leaves on the trees the water drops in the sea the stars in our heavens and even the sand grains on our beaches. Count them if you can or just except that everything is in abundance. There is an abundance of: Love, money, wealth, opportunities out there, just waiting for you to reap it.

Let this thought guide you, believe you can be part of it, reinforce it daily.

“He who has the faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains”.

Create that faith now, and reap the results.

Do to others what you would like them to do to you, and let their success become yours

Comment and share your thoughts

Willie (Durocrete we care)

Friday, March 30, 2012


We are created with the ability and choice to create, and like I said before it is our duty to do just that. It is our duty to create and choose the right destination for ourselves and those following us.
The human mind is the most sophisticated tool known to us, it is the most powerful weapon that we know and it is the most complicated creation. It should be a honour to be in control of such a powerful unstoppable creating weapon. The question will now be, are you in control of your mind or is your mind in control of you?
It is important that you understand the difference.
Your mind is awaiting the instruction to create, if you do not control this instruction your circumstances and outside influences will create your circumstances for you. We must remember that thoughts are a force and it has the ability to attract other thoughts. I like to teach people that every action has an equal reaction, if you think bad things you attract bad things, but fortunately if you think good thing you will attract good things. The good and bad can also be replaced with positive and negative. What I am saying is that there are consequences for every action that we take, if you like there is a price to pay for every decision you make. If you decide to life in poverty you will achieve it with the possible price of starvation, if you however decide to be wealthy you will achieve that with the possible price of your mind driving you to never stop or rest until you achieve it. Success attracts success and failure attracts failure. If you decide to that you cannot achieve you will not, and shortly you will find that you are surrounded by friends with excuses for their failures. You have attracted failure, and the result can only be failure. This is a typical example of a person who is not in control of his mind, a person that cannot create faith. So be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Please understand me clearly, you will have problems on your way to success, you will have failure but you need to understand that failure and problems are the school to greatness.
If you can think big you become big and you will attract big. Do yourself a favour watch successful people and see how many of their close friend are complainers look who surround them, see who they attract. You will see that financial successful people are surrounded by financial success; they attract more and more money to themselves.

So you need to decide what you want to attract, take control and become the person you want to be, attract the success you want, and those who are successful.
I post this message because I care; I attract you to read it because you can make a difference

Please leave your comments and advise for others and me.

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jealousy the evil that stop brain performance

You cannot perform to your ultimate if you are jealous; it is a skill to allow others to perform well, to allow them to compete with you and most of all to share in the abundance out there. To be successful we need to allow success, we need to embrace success. This is not only true for financial success, it is as important for relationship success. If you cannot trust your partner you should not be in that relationship. I should stay out of this field as I am not a marriage councillor but I do know if you cannot trust yourself you cannot trust your partner, enough of relations.

Success breeds success, it is therefore important to have competent competitors to enable you to perform at your best. It is important to allow other to succeed in order for yourself to succeed; you need to give to receive. If you do not have the financial ability to give money, you need to give love, guidance and space for others to succeed.
Why will jealousy stop me? If you are jealous you cannot stop thinking of the person and the affect it might have on you, you are using valuable mind power to create a misery for yourself. If you can use all the energy you use to think of jealous effects on positive reinforcement towards your goal you will advance much faster.
Do not waste valuable time to fight others, to be jealous of their achievements, use it to create your goals and your goals alone.

This short message to empower your abilities, from Duracrete because we care

Willie Beetge (Duracrete we care)

Dr Micheal J Duckett, secret power of the mind

Saturday, March 17, 2012

"Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go, it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow.” – Alice Mackenzie Swaim

We need courage, courage to change the world we live in, change it to the world we want to live in.
It is important to remember that it takes courage to achieve the goals and courage is not only reserved for the big and powerful millionaires. It is more courageous for the small person to stand and make a difference.
Let us use this day to emotionalize our courage, our ability and create faith to in our abilities.

Create faith in our courage, and become the difference that we want to see.
You can emotionalize the words “I am courageous and brave within the power of God and the universe”

Willie Beetge (Dura Crete we care)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Willie says: Why are we doing things ...... how can we change

Willie says: Why are we doing things ...... how can we change: www.duracrete.blogspot.com

“If your mind can conceive it, and your heart can believe it- then you can achieve it.” Mohammed Ali

The quote says it all, you need to train your mind to conceive your aims, get your heart to believe it and you will achieve it. Read my previous posts on how to create faith.

Let us create our futures, let us achieve our goals and enable ourselves to become powerful enough so we can help others

Willie Beetge (dura crete we care)